------------------------------------------------------------- release 3.2 Feb 15, 2012 changes from release 3.1 Apr 5, 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------- Compiler - Mod2 v3.2 Beta (13.2.2012) -------- Bugfixes: - Some programs, if started from WB, hung WB on exit. - CAP() was generating bad code in some circumstances. - Proc Setsreg(), set special PPC reg, implemented. - Code generatation errors for DIV/MOD on structured vars. - Compiler index exception with "-list" CLI switch. - Some undefined pointer declarations were undetected. - FOR limit and index var must be expression compatible. - FOR limit of MIN/MAX(CARDINAL/INTEGER) was broken. - "VAL(REAL, r)" when r is a REAL is now accepted. - Overflow detection for small sized wholes: INTEGER8, etc. - The executable's Version string is now Amiga standard. Updates: - Local modules are now fully implemented. - FOR loop Code generation improved. - SYSTEM.TSIZE() function with one parameter implemented. - Per ISO, T/SIZE() on a var must be an "entire designator". - ISO alternative tokens for "{" and "[" accepted. - Literal strings can contain any char except 0C, LF/CR/FF. - Embedded assembler recognizes fsqrt and fsqrts. M2IDE - M2IDE v0.6 (02/02/2012) ----- - Proj Global Text Search feature added. - Help Hint Bubbles. - M2IDE.guide doc via a menu option. - Executable File Icon will be optionally created. - Unfound Files clearly marked in the project window. - Warning if parsing the IMPORT section of a file fails. - Much bigger projects are accepted. - Unique PIPE Names used for each session. - "Mark All Mods Uncompiled" on menu. - Skeleton Pgm Module will be created if necessary. - Link Result Status is clearly shown. - C NewLib .so lib can be chosen to implement ISO RealMath. - Spaces in Paths should work better now. - M2Amiga alias IMPORT syntax is tolerated (not supported). Mod2Lnk - Mod2Lnk v0.5 (12/21/2011) ------- - Exit status reflects all steps of Mod2Lnk, as, and ld. - Option for "libc.so" for REAL/LONGREAL transcendentals. Aglet Modules ------------- - IconSupport bugfixes added ReadProjIcon(), WriteToolIcon(). - SimpleGUI bugfixes - HashT bugfixes Increased the MaxTableSize to 500000. String hash func is a better one. - PipeIO added OpenPipeUnique(). added ReadTimeoutExceptionOn/Off(). - MachineEnv added GetTotalmemory(). - ArgsSupport supporting very long lines. Amiga Modules ------------- - Most DEF mods synched to SDK release 53.20.